“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Attributed to Edmund Burke, including by
John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961.

Village Foundation Mission Statement!

We are called to gather Creator’s children and to teach them to go back to our original design and purpose.

We believe in the sanctity and purity of All life, as exemplify by the phrase “mitakuye oyas’in” (we are All related), that is given by Wakan Tanka, elohi Spirit Creator and Sustainer of all life. We believe that we are endowed with free-will to care and be stewards of our sacred bodies, sacred earth and all it’s inhabitants.

We believe that man and woman are called by Spirit to serve and empower other beings in the sanctity of the Divine love and grace. We believe in living a life in harmony with the laws of Creator: do no harm, be truthful & honor your word – in full surrender to elohi, in service to His Divine Grace, the established sacred laws as found in Sacred text (the Bible) and writings in indigenous cultures around the world.

We believe that no wo/man, Government or Coorporation has the authority and power to come against this God given law of free-will. We believe in the Christ, as exemplified in the divine man and God Jesus. We believe he was sent by elohi to redeem and show his creation – a sacred life of mission and purpose, and to redeem his creation by the passion we find in the cross.

We believe that through Sacred ceremony, as found in the indigenous cultures, we can access and witness the wisdom, healing and empowerment of all beings. And, by Sacred Ceremony we do Not mean plant medicine, with the exception of Sage and other herbs and tabacco provide by creator.

Kauhale (Village)  is a private membership Church Foundation and will be supporting men, women, children and other community organizations in the following areas:

  • Spiritual life affirming educational teachings and gatherings
  • Spiritual and experiential life affirming workshops, gatherings and mentoring
  • Transformational and educational studies, workshops and events
  • A community based center “The Village” living in close community, implementing all of the above. And creating private opportunities for the trade, barter and acquisition of precious metals and warehouse receipts.

* Kauhale: Direct translation = Village – This word represents the restoration of a village life like, no matter where we may be.